Bus timetables

Bin collections

If your bin collection has been missed, please check the following before reporting:

  • Placement: Ensure your bin was placed at the kerbside by 7am.
  • Correct Day: Confirm you put out the correct bin/container on the correct day.
  • Sorted Materials: Make sure materials are sorted properly.
  • Weight/Closure: Check the bin isn't too heavy, and the lid is closed.

If all the above are correct, report a missed collection after 4pm.

For major service disruptions, updates will be posted on the Flintshire Council Website.


You can report a problem that affects the Streetscene, such as:

To check whether your road is on a P1 route, visit Spectrum Spatial.

If you notice any of these issues or require a service, such as obtaining a RADAR key for a disabled toilet, please report it using the link below.

For major service disruptions, updates will be posted on the Flintshire Council Website.